Epilepsy in Babylonia |
Gilgamesh and Akka |
Le régime administratif de l'eau du Nil dans l'Egypte grecque, romaine et byzantine |
Athletics and mathematics in Archaic Corinth |
Images, power, and politics |
Letters in the British Museum, Part 2 |
Un codex fiscal hermopolite |
Ancient synagogues |
Zahl und Zeit |
Ancient synagogues |
The Ptolemaic Basilikos Grammateus |
Astral magic in Babylonia |
On government and law in Roman Egypt |
Circle of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology Newsletter, Issue 1 |
Circle of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology Newsletter, Issue 1 |
Ancient Egyptian literature |
The Philistines in transition |
Origins |
Mesopotamian poetic language |
Magic and divination in ancient Palestine and Syria |
Caesarea Maritima |
Family religion in Babylonia, Syria and Israel |
The Elephantine papyri in English |
The Michigan medical codex (P. Mich. 758=P. Mich. inv. 21) |
Columbia papyri X |