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فقه الصادق في شرح التبصرة للامام المحقق آية الله العلامة الحلي
Fiqh al-Ṣādiq fī sharḥ al-Tabṣirah lil-Imām al-Muḥaqqiq Āyat Allāh al-ʻAllāmah al-Ḥillī
فقه الصادق في شرح التبصرة للامام المحقق آية الله العلامة الحلي
Fiqh al-Ṣādiq fī sharḥ al-Tabṣirah lil-Imām al-Muḥaqqiq Āyat Allāh al-ʻAllāmah al-Ḥillī
فقه الصادق في شرح التبصرة للامام المحقق آية الله العلامة الحلي
Maʻālim al-Dīn [wa malādh al-mujtahidīn] fī al-ʼuṣūl
معالم الدين [و ملاذ المجتهدين] في الأصول.
al- Sīrah al-nabawīyah fī ḍawʼ al-Qurʼān wa-al-Sunnah
السيرة النبوية في ضوء القرآن والسنة
Empire colonial de la France
Daring deeds of famous pirates
History of the French in India
The postage stamps of the Seychelles
The log of a circumnavigator
Port Natal
The earth and its inhabitants
Sailing directions for Mauritius and the islands included in its government ; with an appendix ; Réunion Island
History of southern Africa
A voyage to the Island of Mauritius, (or, Isle of France), the Isle of Bourbon, and the Cape of Good Hope, [etc.]
Indians abroad
The sailor's handbook
Navigation of the Indian Ocean, China and Australian seas
Histoire et description des Iles Séchelles
George Nichols, Salem shipmaster and merchant
The Cape peninsula