فقه الصادق في شرح التبصرة للامام المحقق آية الله العلامة الحلي |
Fiqh al-Ṣādiq fī sharḥ al-Tabṣirah lil-Imām al-Muḥaqqiq Āyat Allāh al-ʻAllāmah al-Ḥillī |
فقه الصادق في شرح التبصرة للامام المحقق آية الله العلامة الحلي |
Fiqh al-Ṣādiq fī sharḥ al-Tabṣirah lil-Imām al-Muḥaqqiq Āyat Allāh al-ʻAllāmah al-Ḥillī |
فقه الصادق في شرح التبصرة للامام المحقق آية الله العلامة الحلي |
Maʻālim al-Dīn [wa malādh al-mujtahidīn] fī al-ʼuṣūl |
معالم الدين [و ملاذ المجتهدين] في الأصول. |
al- Sīrah al-nabawīyah fī ḍawʼ al-Qurʼān wa-al-Sunnah |
السيرة النبوية في ضوء القرآن والسنة |
Empire colonial de la France |
Daring deeds of famous pirates |
History of the French in India |
The postage stamps of the Seychelles |
The log of a circumnavigator |
Port Natal |
The earth and its inhabitants |
Sailing directions for Mauritius and the islands included in its government ; with an appendix ; Réunion Island |
History of southern Africa |
A voyage to the Island of Mauritius, (or, Isle of France), the Isle of Bourbon, and the Cape of Good Hope, [etc.] |
Indians abroad |
The sailor's handbook |
Navigation of the Indian Ocean, China and Australian seas |
Histoire et description des Iles Séchelles |
George Nichols, Salem shipmaster and merchant |
The Cape peninsula |