Sonata para Pepáfono y Voz, opus 140 = Sonata for Pussyphone and Voice, opus 140
'Sonata for Pussyphone and Voice, opus 140' was presented by México's Rocío Boliver and Ana Luz Álvarez, as a part of the 7th Encuentro of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, held in August of 2009 in Bogotá, Colombia, under the title 'Staging Citizenship: Cultural Rights in the Americas.' This 10-day event brought together activism, scholarship, and art around the themes of legacies, memories, struggles, and frontiers of citizenship. 'Sonata for Pussyphone and Voice, opus 140' was a concert in four movements performed by a woman who used a musical instrument called pussyphone, which is played with the vagina. This performance offered a reflection on cultural rights for all audiences. At the same time this performance staged a reflection on the politics of spaces, and the politics of art as institution - the femenine body was situated at the center of the National University of Bogota's Music Conservatory. Boliver has been active in the art world for the past ten years. She began her career as a performer in 1992 with a reading of her porno-erotic texts, focusing her critique on the repression of women. Álvarez Torres is an opera singer, actress and musician who specializes in jazz. Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics