Ubú Rey.
These are Ubu times. Greed, power mongering, conspiracy, personal ambition and opportunism, persecution, absurd and inhuman carnage, treachery and war all resonate with the actions of the political world leaders today. Yes, says Deborah Hunt, it was time to perform Ubu Roi. With puppets. With masks. With small boats that become aircraft carriers and Ubu with his friends ... Bush ... Rumsfeld ... Rice ... Deborah Hunt is a maskmaker, puppeteer and performance artist with 35 years experience in the creation and presentation of original theater and performance works. She has worked in New Zealand, USA, England, Mexico, Central America, Puerto Rico, British Windward Islands, Argentina, Denmark, Norway, Belgrade, Venezuela, Cuba, Spain, Singapore, Australia, and has been working bilingually (English/Spanish) since 1985. Hunt also teaches puppetry and maskwork, offering intensive laboratories lasting from a weekend to nine-months long. Born in New Zealand, residing in Puerto Rico since 1990, she is a member of the Magdalena Project and the Founder and Artistic Director of MASKHUNT Inc, theater of the futile. Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics