A mysterious traveler named Flor appears in a field of California wildflowers overlooking the land identified in author John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath. This collaboration with the South Kern County community of Arvin and the neighboring towns of Lamont & Weedpatch explored the commonalities between the Oklahoma Dustbowl immigrants of the 1930s and more recent immigrants from Mexico and Central America who find themselves in California, also because of strenuous circumstances. Arvin High School staff and administration generously hosted the performances in the school's auditorium. Community partners and advisors included South Kern Sol.org, FIELD Arvin Learning Center, Arts Council of Kern, Don Burkett, Maria Mercado, Javier Arreola, the Garcia Family, the Martinez Family, Nina Pickett Carter, Larry Hallam, Gene Lundquist and Dr. Jim Young.
Cornerstone Theater Company is a multi-ethnic ensemble company based in Los Angeles California. For over 30 years Cornerstone has commissioned more than 100 award-winning playwrights, produced over 150 new plays for the American Theater, trained thousands of students, and impacted tens of thousands of community members across the U.S., with many experiencing theater for the first time. Cornerstone was founded in 1986 as a traveling ensemble, which adapted classic works to tell the stories of both rural and urban communities. The theater has also seeded a troupe called Teatro Jornalero Sin Fronteras (Day Laborer Theater Without Borders), in partnership with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network and funding from the Ford Foundation.