Os Sertões : O homen I : do pré-homem à revolta = Os Sertões : the man I : from pre-man to revolt
To understand the soul of the 'sertanejo' (the inhabitant of the sertão) - what would lead the nature of this man to resist until the last day in Canudos - Euclides da Cunha recalls in his book the formation of Brazilian society, its telluric, animal, and tupi originches The second part of the book (and the second play, O Homem I), is about the vigorous embrace of the winner, the Celtic European Colonizer, copulating with the defeated, with the slaves from the ships, forming the 'Typeless-Brazilian' type. Mixtures of all kinds find their space in the stage in the surprising miscegenation already present in the cast and crew of Teatro Oficina itself. It is the story of the Brazilian Man, the Man of the Country abroad interbreeding with the Country inside, until the Revolt against the very idea - imposed and imported - of man, with the appearance of Zarathustra Antônio Conselheiro.
From 2000 to 2007, Teat(r)o Oficina Uzyna Uzona worked on the staging of Euclides da Cunha's epic book, Os Sertões, which describes the 19th Century War of Canudos in the Brazilian 'sertão,' lead by Antônio Conselheiro. The final result was a pentalogy, formed by the plays A Terra (2002), O Homem I (2003), O Homem II (2003), A Luta I (2005), and A Luta II (2006), totalizing 27 hours of theater. Os Sertões reads the episodes of the war in light of past and present Brazilian history, and in relation to the struggle of the group against media mogul Sílvio Santos, who wanted to tear down the historic theater.